Legend Edition's Streamer Policy

Hello everyone, Mildra here.

With the upcoming demo for Legend Edition on the horizon, I wanted to make this update to clarify what our streaming policy for the demo is. It could be argued that this is redundant, but given the DMCA fiasco with the 2024 Player’s Handbook for D&D 5th edition, a poison pill was introduced so I’d wanna clear the air.

In not too many words, any and all streaming of Legend Edition is highly encouraged. We want to have as many eyes on this as possible so we can measure feedback. You wanna do a read-through of it? Go for it! You wanna do a review or first impressions? Go for it! You wanna rip into us for making it 300+ pages? Go for it!

That said, there’s only one thing we would ask of anyone covering it on the various social medias. Either tag one of the developers on twitter or use the hashtag #FFLegendEdition so that we can find it and showcase it. Ultimately, we’d like to build a community through this game, and the reaction to the demo is the first step.

Again, much of this is arguably redundant, but I wanted to head things off at the pass and make clear that we WANT people to dive into it, hack it, and do all sorts of  creative things with what we have in store.

With that said, I look forward to getting the demo in your hands soon!

Stay Frosty, 


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