The Core Book enters Beta 1.0!
Beta 1.0 is Here!
First and foremost, we would like to extend a huge thank you to those who downloaded the demo version of our game at SAGE 2024. The feedback, critique, and suggestions have been critical towards ensuring the game's quality, and we are deeply grateful for the contributions from our wonderful community! We hope that you'll continue to be a part of this journey as we inch closer to the final release.
With the release of the Beta 1.0 version of Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition, the core book will finally live on our itch page. From this point onward, any and all updates/version releases will be hosted exclusively on
Legend Edition has gone through a lot of changes since we released the demo version to the public a little over 2 months ago. In that time, we've made several corrections, changes, clarifications, and additions to the text in order to build towards a better end product. For a detailed breakdown of what all has changed, consult the changelog below:
General Changes:
- Fixed various typos throughout the book.
- Minor graphical adjustments throughout the book.
- Adjusted displayed HP and MP formulas to match what the book said.
- Removed SAGE branding (thank you everyone who participated!).
- Minor Glossary additions.
- Rework of Knockdown across the board.
- Rework and separation of magic and physical attacks, changes for this have been applied across the board. These instances have become “Weapon Attack” and “Spell Attack”.
Chapter II - Character Creation:
- Moved Advancement section one page over to be where it was supposed to be.
- Key Combat Modifiers:
- Added a note about non-retroactive HP / MP growth. While most people know this sort of thing, it’s better to clarify it here.
- Added PCM / MCM Scaling section to detail how these affect Features that grant a number of abilities based on PCM / MCM.
- Skills:
- Added “Maxed Out” to Step 5 for Skills. Allows you to surpass the Skill limit to get additional Origin Skills, or to get new Feats should all your Skills be Origin Skills.
- Resources:
- Lifestyle has been merged into Resources. The new formula is as follows: “8 + Persona Modifier + Highest Unlocked Job Circle”
- Stake has been reworded, in addition it now refreshes during the ‘Preparation’ phase.
- Consumable Slots have been clarified. Upon reaching the Downtime phase all remaining Consumables are removed and must be replaced during the Preparation phase later.
- Loot Slots’ text expanded to explain their function.
- Advancement:
- Clarified Ability Modifier Bonus text. AMB tracks are assigned Ability Modifiers of your choosing, but cannot be changed once they’ve been decided.
- Reworded the Bonus Damage part of Step 8 to clarify some things. This statistic increases the number of dice rolled, and the die type is based on weapon.
Chapter III - Races:
- Android:
- Fine Tuning: Clarified text to make its functionality more clear.
Chapter IV - Classes & Jobs:
- Updated the Class Action and Reaction table, it was using incorrect numbers all together.
- Fixed Mage HP and MP formulas.
- Limit Breaks for Jobs are only accessible once you have unlocked the Job’s first Circle.
- Expanded the beginning section to accommodate the “Attack-Modifying Features” section.
- Berserker:
- Limit Break changed effect: “For the remainder of the Encounter, your Attacks may automatically hit on a natural 10, but if you do so the Attack generates no Extra Effort Dice.”
- Fury III: Clarified the effect of the damage die increase.
- Dervish:
- Fixed Battle Trance to say “As an Action”, where previously it did not specify.
- Dragoon:
- Applied PCM / MCM Scaling to Dragon Arts.
- Dragon’s Fang changed effect: “Your next 1/2/3 Attacks may automatically hit on a natural 15, but if you do so the Attack generates no Extra Effort Dice.”
- Fighter:
- Expanded Master of Arms to be a bit more clear in it’s function.
- Double Cut reworded.
- Quadra Cut reworded.
- Knight:
- Applied PCM / MCM Scaling to Break Arts.
- Power Break reworded.
- Monk:
- Mudra and Blitz Forms can now be swapped during Downtime.
- Applied PCM / MCM Scaling to Blitz Forms and Mudra Forms.
- Dragon Blow changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Samurai:
- Hissatsu Techniques can now be swapped during Downtime.
- Applied PCM / MCM Scaling to Hissatsu Techniques.
- Sentinel:
- Overwatch Techniques can now be swapped during Downtime.
- Applied PCM / MCM Scaling to Overwatch Techniques.
- Provoke I: Reworded to allow the target to Attack other participants at a penalty.
- Iron Guardian was incorrectly formatted and did not look as if it was a Job Feature.
- Iai Strike reworked heavily, and the charge time now scales with NPC Difficulty.
- Sniper:
- Reworded Aim.
- Wingstrike changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Dynamo:
- Momentum Techniques can now be swapped during Downtime.
- Applied PCM / MCM Scaling to Momentum Techniques.
- Trigger Happy now uses MCM as well as PCM.
- Reworded Trigger Happy further.
- Entertainer:
- Routines and Stages can now be swapped during Downtime.
- Routines and Stages now scale with Persona retroactively (similar to the PCM / MCM Scaling of other classes).
- General:
- Strategies and Tactics can now be swapped during Downtime.
- Applied PCM / MCM Scaling to Strategies and Tactics.
- Medic:
- Body and Soul reworked: “Whenever Combat ends with the Medic sustaining at least 1 HP, the entire Party gains temporary HP equal to 2d10, and an additional number of points based on their Vitality Modifier.”
- On higher levels this increases to 2d10 + Vitality and 3d10 + Vitality.
- Intensive Care reworked: “Once per Encounter, you may make a Knowledge Roll with a TN of 20. On a success, you may restore one ally whose current HP is below their SOS Threshold to full HP. On a failure, they may only heal up to 75% of their maximum HP.”
- Body and Soul reworked: “Whenever Combat ends with the Medic sustaining at least 1 HP, the entire Party gains temporary HP equal to 2d10, and an additional number of points based on their Vitality Modifier.”
- Thief:
- Reworded Sneak Attack I.
- Arcanist:
- Curses can now be swapped during Downtime.
- Applied PCM / MCM Scaling to Curses.
- Ravager:
- Special changed to still provide Ruin if you have a Spellcasting Job that does not immediately provide Spells (such as Blue Mage).
- Ravager also treats Innate Spells granted from other sources differently now. They are treated as being 3rd-Rank spells at minimum, and they cannot exceed 6th-Rank.
- Spell Flurry I and II reworded.
- Spellchain I and II reworded.
- Sage:
- Recall Spell I reworded for clarification.
- Changed Limit Break ‘Weaponized Nostalgia’: “For the duration of the Encounter, you may grant the effects of Recall Spell, Recall Knowledge, or Recall Metamagic to your allies. You must still activate them as normal.”
- White Mage:
- Limit Break ‘Holy’ changed: “For the remainder of the Encounter, effect dice results from White Magic Spells are treated as their maximum result, and explode once as if Power Surge had occurred. Extra Effort Dice generated are rolled as normal.”
- Summoner:
- Change Limit Break ‘Final Summon’.
- Added “Eidolon Actions” note to their 1st Circle.
- Carbuncle and Hades reworked slightly.
- Yokai:
- Yokai Restriction no longer applies to Attacks granted by the Avatar Form.
- Added “Yokai Features” section which describes some of the effects granted to the Yokai Class, this clarifies and expands upon the Yokai’s existing text.
- Beastmaster:
- Beast Companion’s Major Action changed to inflict Knockdown instead of Knockdown 1.
- Blue Mage:
- Altered Spellcasting for Blue Mage to allow you to gain Spells other than Attack Spells.
- Libra now allows you to steal Spells directly from enemies, and on a Critical Success you can cast it back at them too!
- Geomancer:
- Mountain Geotrance’s Offensive effect changed to inflict Knockdown instead of Knockdown 1.
- Underground Geotrance’s Offensive effect changed to inflict Prone instead of Knockdown 1.
- Oracle:
- Added a note to Predicted Opportunity: “All Predicted-type Features are limited to one Prediction per Oracle per Round, and the Prediction must be declared at the top of the Initiative order.”
- Rune Knight:
- Clarified the Rune Knight’s special ability: temporary MP cannot exceed your maximum MP value.
- Chocobo Knight:
- Overrun changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Crownsguard:
- Astral Armiger III changed to IV in 7th Circle.
- Gunbreaker:
- Added extra notes for certain tags.
- Magitek Knight:
- Armor Frame:
- Added an effect for the ‘Thick’ tag.
- Reworded Shielding Mechanism I a bit.
- Armor Frame:
- Merchant:
- I Know a Guy changed to fit the removal of Lifestyle.
Chapter V - Skills:
- Option Games:
- Dueling:
- Precision Offensive Action reworked.
- Dueling:
Chapter VI - Feats:
- Basic Combat Feats:
- Multiattack changed to end on a miss.
- Reworded Critical Debilitation.
- Reworded Blindside to clarify it is for non-Spell counterattacks.
- Melee Combat Feats:
- Mighty Blow changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Whirlwind Strike reworded.
- Mighty Strike reworked.
- Ranged Combat Feats:
- Hawkeye reworked.
- Fortune Feats:
- Bounty Hunter changed to fit the removal of Lifestyle.
- Skill Feats:
- Evoke Deja Vu now only works off of your last natural roll involving a Knowledge Roll, Skill Roll, or Attack Roll. This number cannot be used repeatedly.
- Renamed Momentum I and II to Inertia I and II.
- Equipment Feats:
- Ancestral Relic typo, table is correctly labeled now.
- Ancestral Relic description changed.
- Added “Attack-Modifying Feats” section to clarify that only one Feat can be applied to a single Attack Action unless a Feature specifies otherwise.
Chapter VII - Combat:
- Extra Effort Dice are now a d4 by default.
- Added the ‘Knockout’ section to clarify what happens when you are reduced to 0 HP.
- Added “Ending Combat” section to clarify what happens at the end of an encounter.
- Added “One-Source Rule” to explain how features granted from your Race, Job, or otherwise interact when modifying Combat Actions.
- Expanded Reaction text to clarify that Reactions are unlimited, but you can only ever do 1 Reaction per triggering effect.
- Reactions:
- Added to Dodge - “If a Skill is not specified, the GM decides which Skill to use for this.”
- Reactions have been clarified a bit further.
- Dodge and Parry both negate all Damage.
- Added the “1 Between” Rule: “When attacking a target where there is another enemy Participant between you and the target (hence “1 Between”) the Attack roll suffers a Bane.”
- Adding “Skill Defense for NPCs versus PCs” - “Most all NPCs only have a single Skill Defense statistic, as such there’s no need to decide which Skill you are targeting in most cases. If for one reason or another a PC is the target of such an ability, the GM decides which Skill Defense the PC should utilize.”
- Attacks now have a description for Critical Success: “On a Critical Success the Attack is an automatic hit and your Weapon’s damage dice are doubled (does not include the Extra Effort Dice).”
- Conditions:
- Stop affects Actions and Reactions now.
- Knockdown reworked.
- Prone reworked.
- Actions:
- Bull Rush reworded.
- Grapple’s Throw applies Knockdown instead of Knockdown 1.
- Trip applies Knockdown instead of Knockdown 1.
Chapter VIII - Spellcasting:
- Magic Drain and Health Drain under the Spell Icons changed to MP Drain and HP Drain.
- Magic Attack changed to MP Attack under the Spell Icons to avoid confusion.
- Black Magic:
- Flare no longer has exploding dice, but it’s Extra Effort Dice are treated as d6s instead of d4s.
- Cosmic Magic:
- Meteor’s damage increased to 3d12 (1d8 was a typo).
- Cometga changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Blue Magic:
- MP Absorb now targets Magical Defense (as it was intended to).
- Earthquake changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Shockwave changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Ice Spears changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Big Wave changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Downburst changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Zephyr Arrow changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Goblin Punch changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown
- Illusion Magic:
- Maddening Whispers is now properly labeled as a High Magic spell.
- Necromancy:
- Doom’s duration changed to go down with Rank rather than up.
- Summoning:
- Changed the Yokai Circles, MP amounts have been altered or out-right removed.
- Leviathan:
- Breach Blast changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Riptide changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Tsunami Blast changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Odin:
- Sleipnir changed from Knockdown 1 to Knockdown.
- Valknut reworded to be compatible with the Triple Foul Feat.
Chapter IX - Equipment:
- Adjusted Acquisition rules to meet the changes to Resources made in Chapter II.
- Expanded Armor description to explain mechanical effects.
- Added two examples for Acquisition Rolls to hopefully clarify how they work.
- Acquisition Rolls:
- Purchasing multiple items now scales a bit more depending on the Tier of the extra Items you are attempting to acquire.
- Stake:
- Loot is now converted at Downtime instead of any time it exceeds your slots.
- This Stake is to be evenly split across the Party.
- Treasure and Loot Rolls to be done collectively during Downtime instead of during play.
- If Stake is used after a failed Acquisition Roll the bonus given is reduced to a +1 modifier per point spent.
- Armor Tags:
- Tough rewritten “When used with Light armor, choose Physical Defense or Magical Defense; gain the full Level bonus to the chosen Defense. When used with Heavy armor, Tough automatically takes the opposite Defense type to your Armor Metatype and applies the full Level bonus to that Defense.”
- Weapon Tags:
- Fixed a typo with Guardian. Previously it’s ‘special’ trait looked as if it was also a Tag of its own.
- Magic Items
- Crisis Modifier effect reworded.
- Enchantments:
- Bonus HP and MP adjusted.
- Increased Ability reworded.
- Spellcasting reworked and now includes Innate Spells.
- Reputation:
- You may now spend Stake to increase your Reputation, at a rate of 3 Stake per 1 Progress Point. This gives an extra place to spend your unused Stake.
Chapter X - NPC Creation:
- Swapped icons for Demon and Arcana categories.
- Beast text was previously cut off, that’s been fixed.
- Attack section in Step 2 has been substantially expanded.
- Aerial Category now is always treated as having the float condition.
Until next we meet!
Get Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition
Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition
A customization-centric interpretation of the long-running series of Final Fantasy TRPG fan projects.
Status | In development |
Category | Physical game |
Publisher | |
Authors | Mildra The Monk, TheMemorySlot, Xanatrix Zadare, NamiNomi |
Tags | Character Customization, Fangame, Indie, job-system, JRPG, LGBTQIA, Magic, Modular, Multiplayer, Tabletop |
Languages | English |
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